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Serenity 5900 LE

Serenity Hot Tub

Starting Price


Stock Model Price*


# of Jets


# of Seats


Spa Depth


No additional stock packages.

This hot tub has great ergonomics, comfortably fits 6 people and it is beautifully appointed to deliver maximum hydrotherapy and stress relief. This model features 41 hydrotherapy jets for maximum massage and includes a lounger, ClearStream filtration system to ensure your water is safe and crystal clear and our Alaskan Insulation system delivers outstanding energy efficiency for a low priced hot tub. Small families love this budget-conscious premium hot tub. Don't compromise on quality - experience luxury at an accessible price while grounded in the confidence of your hot tub's long-term reliability.

Cheapest hot tub with high quality materials.


SHELL DIMENSIONS: 217.17cm 217.17cm x 95.758cm

ACRYLIC SHELL: Silver Marble

CABINET: Everlast Grey


4 Soft Style Head Cushions

Alaskan Insulation System

ClearSpring Filtration System

2 x 25 Sq. Ft. Filters


7 Interior LED Lights

One 2 Speed 10/3.5 Amp Pump 

One 1 Speed 10 Amp Pump

3KW Heater

Ozone Ready

Hydropool Serenity Cabinet Colours

Cover Options

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Hydropool Serenity Shell Colours

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Estimated Daily Electrical Cost of

Serenity 5900 LE


*Range based on monthly rates in our Energy Guide. Cost uses £0.333 cost per KWH calcs based on data compiled using CEC Title 20 test reports. Actual daily rate will vary from these totals depending on many factors.

What Makes a Serenity Hot Tub Energy Efficient?

POLYMER INSULATED FLOOR: Designed to keep the warmth in and everything else out. The insulated floor locks in the ambient heat from the pumps.


UNIBODY FRAME: The strongest frame available. Specifically engineered to hold the weight of the water while adjusting to the heating and cooling that comes with summers and winters.


EDGEWATER SHELL: Built like the hull of a boat that is completely waterproof. The polyester and vinyl ester resin are combined with fibre-glass to add strength, creating the strongest shell in the industry.


THE WEATHER SEAL INSULATION SYSTEM: Our innovative Energy Efficient Insulation and superior WeatherSeal Cabinetry work in combination with our HydroWise Hard Cover to keep the heat in and the cold out. Our hot tubs are engineered to be the most energy-efficient in the world, providing 37°C 

​POLY FILM BARRIER supports plumbing and weight of water, minimises vibration.


HYDROWISE THERMAL BLANKETS wrap the plumbing & floor, reflecting radiant heat back into the hot tub.


CLOSED CELL FOAM seals the lip of the tub to prevent heat loss; insulates floor of the hot tub.


WEATHERSEAL CABINET panels can be easily removed for access on all sides of the hot tub.

Features On Our Serenity Collection

Moon Lighting Cabinet Corner Lighting

This LED lighting system illuminates the surroundings and details of the spa's exterior. Bright LED lights sequence through blue, green, and red. The interior LED lights illuminate the seating area and cycle through colours, or can be set on a single colour.

AquaBlade Waterfall Feature

Two pop-up waterfall jets that create a beautiful cascading blade of water into your Serenity Hot Tub. These also light-up in conjunction with the Moon Lighting feature and sequence thought blue, green, and red colourations or can stay set on your choice.

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